We celebrate Jewish festivals with the entire community and with guests, as one family and in a special atmosphere. We have space for everyone. Our hall can accommodate up to 300 people.
Rosh HaShana – services, including Tashlich, and festival meals.
Yom Kippur – meal before the fast, services, cake and hot/cold drinks after the fast.
Sukkot – a big Sukkah (more than 100 seats) on the roof, where all festival meals are held.
Simchat Torah – Hakafot and dancing with the Torah scrolls, with an open bar.
Hanukkah – distribution of hanukkiot and candles to every Jewish home in Japan, Hanukkah party, lighting of candles in central locations around Japan.
Tu Bishvat – a community party with a refreshing Tu Bishvat Seder.
Purim – reading of the Megillah, Mishloach Manot, and a special party for children.
Pesach – a center Seder for community members and guests, a Seder set is sent to those celebrating at home.
Lag BaOmer – a party in honor of rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, with a big bonfire in a joyous atmosphere.
Shavuot – reading of the Ten Commandments, a dairy festive meal.